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The Art and Science of Changing Peoples Minds.

InnoWorld Fine Arts is set up to provide top quality Innovative education programmes for children and adults in a challenging learning environment.

In mid 2005, InnoWorld entered into business collaboration with Ai Xin Cheng Education Group of Beijing and has become its only business partner in Singapore developing and promoting education products for children of Singapore. Presently, the Beijing Ai Xin Cheng Education Group’s education network covers more than 20 provinces, 4 autonomy cities and 200 counties. Its various programmes have benefited few 100,000 students every year.

In 2011, InnoWorld partners with to introduce the Chinese Art enrichment programmes into Singapore, 3 of their senior artists are helping us develop the art programmes. In the meantime, a senior musical teacher joined us to developing the music programme.

After 10+ years dedicated to teach InnoArt drawing programme and evolve it along the way, we have been accumulating great rich experience in art education, and developed the next generation of art enrichment programmes for children and adults.


We believe that the arts:

  •  Make learning more enjoyable and interactive.
  • Build self esteem.
  • Teach critical thinking and self discipline.
  • Allow students with different learning styles and language skills to be more successful in their own way.

Certification of Our patented and copyright InnoArt “思维绘画” Programme.


InnoWorld 创立于2005年,专注于美术教育十余年,是新加坡一家 开设较早,专业极强的少儿美术培训及成人书画培训为主的教育机构。“美”“爱”和“艺术”是我们少儿美术教学中坚持的理念,培养少儿艺术素养和基本功,张扬艺术个性是我们的教学目标。

2011年,InnoWorld与“书画中国网-Drawchina”结盟,借助“书画中国”雄厚的艺术资源,“ 一字一方圆,一笔一江山”,“新加坡方圆书画院”应势而生。书画院立足于新加坡及东南亚,以弘扬中华传统文化艺术为已任,为广大海外华人和喜爱中国书画艺术的国际友人提供一个学习和交流的平台,向书画爱好者和收藏者提供高质量、高品位的艺术佳作,希望通过我们的努力,让更多的人走进书画艺术,不断提升自己的文化修养和艺术才能,丰富人生阅历和审美经验。书画院现拥有大批来自不同国家和文化背景的会员,同时与中国书画界的交流也保持了频繁互动,成为中国传统文化艺术在海外传承和发展的桥梁和纽带。



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