Hotline: (+65) 6348 2688

Adult Programme-成人绘画


[quote align="left"] We believe that great art coupled with the passion to help those in need will indeed help to change the world

Creative activities are important for individual human beings and for the communitieswe live in.Whetherwe are talking about painting, calligraphy, music, or the host of other things that can be grouped under ‘arts’, it is clear that participation in such activities increases the happiness and well-being of those involved.

Indeed, the evidence shows that arts bring much wider benefits to our communities and society, for example in terms of improved health, greater social inclusion, less loneliness and stronger cultural ties.

Arts activities unlock potential, eradicate apathy and build strong, happy, independent and fulfilled communities.





============ ==== ==== ==== 我们的优势 ======== ==== ============

  1. 灵活的时间安排
  2. 专业资深的老师
  3. 海外文化交流和书画展
  4. 定期组织写生采风活动
  5. 不同特色课的感受


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