- Dissociate from the rigidity of tracing, or simply color an existing picture
- Students should draw a full picture on a blank paper in each class, and they must create it by their own understanding, each student’s product is totally different from others
- Systematic and structural Curriculum, from beginner to advanced level, one level normally will take one year to complete.
- Monitor each student’s progress, and re-group them regularly based on their learning progress, and even move to next level.
- After building the foundation, will introduce the sketch, cartoon, Chinese painting etc to them, to further develop their artistic talent.
- Drawing story and game woven into every InnoArt drawing lesson
- No pencil and eraser, no alteration needed
- Uniqueness of points-structured teaching method
- Creation of 69 types of drawing technique
- Simple stroke drawing concurrent use of eyes, ears, mouth, hands and brain
- Provision of an opportunity to increase personal development and creative expression
- Sparks right brain innovative connections and helps to stimulate children’s memory understanding
- Use of unique InnoArt drawing board as teaching method
- 没有临摹,更不会在现成的画纸上仅仅练习上色
- 每节课学生都要在空白画纸上独立完成一幅作品,每个学生的作品都是独立创作,同一节课的学生作品都完全不同
- 有完整的,每个等级长达一年的系统化课程
- 密切跟踪每一个学生的进度,对于进展快的学生,重新分班,进入到下一个等级学习
- 学生具有一定的基础后,可以根据各自的兴趣进一步学习素描、漫画、国画等课程
- 每一堂课都有故事,游戏
- 不用橡皮,不修改
- 独特的点视构图教法
- 首创69种涂色技巧
- 眼,耳,口,手,脑同时锻炼
- 激励赏识,培养孩子自信
- 专业教案,启发右脑思维
- 绘画与思维双重训练
- 利用专利画板教学
InnoArt Drawing Programme
Innoart Level 1: 40 lessons
For children between three to four years old, the most important thing is to let them realize what they can do during this period. InnoArt is conducted in the form of telling stories and playing games which covers broad content including color recognition, graffiti, intuitive drawing, art craft and other comprehensive practices. It is designed to teach children how to observe by their own eyes so as to enhance the sense of art. The learning process is full of knowledge and interests by which our teacher pays close attention to the minds of children and renders them helpful guidance. By adopting the investigative methodology, InnoArt can induce active thinking of children by various forms of touching and trying including brain, eyes, mouth, ears, and hands to create 2-D or 3-D artworks. This helps children to grow comprehensively and harmoniously in physical, mental and inspiring aspects.
Level1 Certification: 自选想像画,能以想像表现儿童自己感兴趣的事情。能用线条、色彩随意生动地表现,形象稚拙而有趣,具有儿童画的特征。 Able to exhibit interested things by his own imagination; able to visualize freely by lines and colors which is characteristic of childish painting.
Class Plan: 绘画课程和手工课程穿插,以提高学生的兴趣 one 1 drawing class followed by 1 handcraft class
Innoart Level 2: 40 Lessons
通过故事和点视构图,激发孩子想象力,用文字与图画去组织、表达想象的能力。用蜡笔、水彩笔等工具,引导孩子对图画进行细致的刻画,从而慢慢培养其在生活中的观察力;在技法学习的基础上,能够专注地,较完整地创作出作品;在大量兼具艺术性与趣味性儿童艺术的熏陶下,培养孩子鉴赏图画的能力,从而慢慢培养他们的审美力。 To inspire children’s imagination, develop the capacity to compose and express their imagination using words and pictures based on story and point-structures; to induce children depicting carefully to develop their observation ability in the life by using crayon and marker; based on the skills learning, to create relatively complete artworks; To nurture their appreciation of the beauty under edification of large amount of artworks full of art and fun.
Level2 Certification: 自选记忆想像画, 能以记忆结合想像表现儿童自己兴趣的题材,充满童趣。能用线条、色彩随意生动地表现,形象稚拙而有趣、具有儿童画的特征。画面能以群体组合为主,反映一个主题。画面效果具有儿童书创意的情趣。 Able to select his own pictures based on memory and imagination to express his own interests; able to express vividly by lines and colors which is characteristic of childish painting; able to reflect a theme based on collective gathering of the pictures; able to realize effect of the flavor of children’s book.
Class Plan: 1.绘画,2.手工,3. 亚克力,4.水墨 1.Drawing,2. handcraft, 3. Acrylic, 4. Painting
Innoart Level 3: 40 Lessons
For children between six to eight years old, there comes clear of their self sense and mature of their personality, emotion and values. During this period we are to selectively nurture their beauty appreciation and art expression ability, their confidence of building and creating arts, their courage to explore new materials and new skills and their team spirits by team works with other children. By learning the application of canvas stick, acrylic and water color, they are expected to realize the unity of colors and contrasts which is finally the coordination and beauty of pictures.
Level3 Certification: 画面形象生动具有想像力和表现力。 画面组合合理,富于童趣。切合题意、形式多样、主题突出。画面体现儿童画转型期的过程,也可根据现象通过写生,将自己的想法结合起来,表现出一定题意。 Pictures appear vividly full of imagination and expression; Reasonable combination of pictures to exhibit children’s fun; Pertinent and various forms to highlight the theme; To reflect the transition process of children painting which can also been realized by combination of sketching and own thinking as well.
Class Plan: 1.绘画,2. 亚克力,3. 水彩, 4. 水墨 1.Drawing,2. Acrylic, 3. watercolor, 4. Painting
Innoart Level 4: 40 Lessons
艺术源于生活,并高于生活。良好的绘画基础之后,丰富并拓展学生地视野是这一期学习的重点。 了解,感受古今东西方艺术家,如塞尚,梵高,毕加索,吴冠中,齐白石等大家,培养并提高学生自身的艺术修养和气质。对平构,立构,色构,雕塑,版画,国画,油画等课程的系统学习和探索,可以使我们的小艺术家更真切地去感受艺术对自身和生活带来的益处和乐趣。 Art originates from life still above life. Based on solid foundation of painting, enrichment of their horizons is utmost important during this period. By knowing and experiencing both oriental and western artists such as Cezanne, Van Gogh, Picasso, Wu Guanzhong, Qi Baishi etc, to cultivate and elevate student’s art accomplishment and quality. By systematic learning and exploration of 2D, 3D, color composition, sculpture, engraving, Chinese painting and oil painting, our little artists can experience more benefits and pleasures of their own arts.
Level4 Certification:画面具有积极的主题和内容、想像合理,并具有较强的特点。善于观察儿童生活的世界。了解一些最基本的构图、透视、比例的要点,逐步进入绘画转型期。 Positive theme and content, reasonable imagination and distinguishing features; good at observing the world of their own; mastery of fundamental skills of composition, perspective and proportion of pictures which gradually leads them to the transformation period of drawing.
Class Plan: 1.绘画,2. 亚克力,3. 水彩, 4. 素描 1.Drawing, 2. Acrylic, 3. watercolor, 4. Sketch
- Age : 4-12 years old
- Frequency: Once a week
- Duration: 80 minutes(teach &practice) + 10 minutes(communicate &dismiss)
- Language: Mandarin or English.