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InnoArt Cartoon


After completing the InnoArt Drawing Level 3, children have already built solid foundation of painting, they can then choose broaden their knowledge by continuing Level4, or take our Cartoon, Sketch or Chinese Painting programme.

Children learn about the history of cartooning and learn how to draw cartoons from the simple to the complex. The introductory class(Level 5) helps 7- to 9-year-olds build character – as in cartoon characters – starting with tracing and coloring and eventually writing stories to go with their drawings. Advanced classes focus on character and story development.

In this programme, we make the serious, fun and fantastic. Learning How to draw caricatures and cartoons is made easy. This is a great idea for student enrichment and hands on learning with a professional cartoonist. Children will learn cartooning techniques and caricature techniques. A professional cartoonist works and demonstrates drawing live.

Innoart Cartoon Level 5: Age 7-9, 48 lessons


See that all subject matter is made up of simplified geometric shapes, learn how to draw facial features and transformations.


Innoart Cartoon Level 6: Age 8-10, 48 lessons

能够理解原作中的透视与光影关系,临摹作品与原作相似度高。构图得当,结构准确,线条流畅,能表现出一定明暗效果和气氛。学会表现带有简单动态和表情的人物。 Use a variety of drawing techniques – line, shading and texture to create the illusion of 2D.


Innoart Cartoon Level 7: Age 9-11, 48 lessons

掌握基本的构图原理和透视原理,并体现物体比例和与场景关系的把握能力。临摹简单场景,学会简单的透视原理和光影处理技巧,并画成一幅构图完整的卡通画。学会将给出的素材(人物为主)组合在一个带有特点的场景之中,使两者组合成较完整的画面。逐渐实现从临摹向独立创作过渡。 Master the basic principle of composition of a picture and foreshortened, able to represent relationship of the scale and scene.

Innoart Cartoon Level 8: Age 10-12, 48 lessons

对于人物比例和与场景关系的把握能力有进一步的提高,线条较流畅。学会将给出的素材(人物为主)组合在一个带有特点的场景中。 结合写生进行人物或动物的创作,从具象的写生到卡通形象变形的渐变练习(变形最终稿以墨线描绘),运用至少三个素材组合成一幅构图完整、主题立意突出的单幅绘画,画面合理统一并具有一定的气氛效果。 Experiment with scale and placement on the page (composition).

Innoart Cartoon Level 9: Age 11-15, 48 lessons


Simplify forms through distortion, humour or a storyline to create ‘cartoon’ like drawings.

Innoart Cartoon Level 10: Age 12-16, 48 lessons

会运用镜头语言,掌握卡通画构图概念,有一定的手绘技巧和比较好的创意和编写故事能力。四格以上的多格画面表现一个连续情节或完整想法,有配画,附一、二百字创意说明。会运用镜头语言,掌握绘画构图基本概念,有一定的手绘技巧和比较好的创意和编写故事能力。 about to use the scene, sketch, and creative idea to write cartoon story.


Age: 7-16 years old
Frequency: Once a week
Duration: 80 minutes(teach &practice) + 10 minutes(communicate &dismiss)
Day/time: Please refer to our class schedule.
Language: Mandarin or English

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Class Information
  1. Programme available:

    1. . $30 per class(1.5hours) for Innoart, Calligraphy, Chinese Painting and Classic Mandarin.
    2. . $40 per class(1hour) for Guzhen and Erhu
    3. . a course has 12 classes.
    4. . Register more than 1 course will get 5% discount.
  2. Week:

    1. . One class per week for normal course.
  3. Time:

    1. .Time here is for reference only, more detail please refer to our class schedule.
  4. Special Programme:

    1. .2D Chinese Culture Camp.
  5. Branch:

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