Chinese Painting
CNArtGallery is a large Chinese Paintings supplier in China. We offer huge selection of chinese paintings and customization service including Chinese landscape paintings, Chinese birds & flowers paintings, etc.
Chinese Drawing, Draw China
China Drawings, Drawing China. 宏扬中华民族优秀传统艺术的平台,搭建一座将优秀书画艺术和当代杰出书画家作品传扬海外的桥梁…
Innoworld Technology
Specialized in promoting the Education Organizations by embracing modern technology: Facebook, Google, Twitter, Website; Reducing the internal cost by running the school on school management system.
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With 5 years experiences in Art Education, we Offer unique art programmes for children and adults, including: InnoArt drawing, Sketch, Cartoon, Chinese painting, calligraphy, musical instrument – Guzheng & Erhu, and mandarin.
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